Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dangerous, Unsettling Times

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. (2 Timothy 3:1 [KJV])

There is no doubt that we are in dangerous, unsettling times. The earth is nearly shaking on its axis. Previous generations were spared dealing with concepts such as Sharia Law, Islamic Caliphates, nuclear centrifuges in rogue hands, chemical weapons, NSA spying, IRS lawlessness, border invasions, and corruption and serial lying at the highest levels of government.

Even nature is out of control. And today's church is compromising so there aren't many shelters any longer.

If you dwell on headlines too long, you would think that Armageddon is on our door step. And maybe it is. If you listen carefully, you just might hear the footsteps of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in the distance. Has their journey begun?

A Coalition of Comfort
Every year, thousands travel to various Bible and prophecy conferences so they can compare notes with like-minded believers and comfort one another. They want to encourage one another (Hebrews 10). They want to be a "coalition of comfort" to one another. They also want assurance that their perspective on the world and church is on target.

His Return Trumps Dark Times
Even though many believers today know that the news is bad, and the headlines are dark, you will not find a feeling of depression among them. No ones giving up because we (believers) have the hope of Christ's imminent return.

That trumps dark news, slanted stories, the glorification of evil, the threats coming from Washington, and the hypocrisy from people in high places.

Many churches and pastors today are telling their members to keep things light and even major in minors. But the child of God cannot do that, even when it feels like we are an island even among other family members.

We need one another. We are instructed to join together and worship and share and build up each other in Christian love. And we need commonality. We need people who can relate to the crisis of the day, or the hassles of the job, or the latest news headlines, or the sorrows of pain and loss. We need people who can help us discern doctrine. We are brought together by God for that purpose. God knows who we need and He brings us together."

So Why Is the Church Silent?
Most churches today are silent on all of the important issues of the day, and particularly silent on the theology of the Lord's return.

Church members are being told that such topics don't promote church growth. Here are some things that I hear when I speak of prophecy:
This subject matter is "controversial." (Really???)
Bible prophecy makes some people uncomfortable. So?
Just what do all those bowls, vials, and seals really mean??

One thing that I have found, on one hand, is that some pastors have not been trained in eschatology and they don't want to risk preaching it. On the other hand, some pastors has been taught all the varying prophecies and they are unsure which one is sound.

And then you have the problem of date-setters who have given the topic a black eye!

And Than You Have Those Who Say, Come, Lord Jesus, But Not Too Soon!
This seems to be the consenses when dealing with the younger generation and current issues. Most responses were the same: Younger folks want to live out their lives on this aching planet and THEN enjoy Eternity. In other words, come, Lord Jesus, but not too soon!

There are some young people who are an exception to that but not many. Most younger folks really want to enjoy life even with today's struggles. They want to see kids grow and get married. Eternal issues can wait.

But I have seen some in the younger generation who want to "pass this torch." They want to pass on the information, and the urgency of our times, to their generation!  Rare, perhaps, but such occurrences happen to let us know we should not give up hope. You never know who you are affecting! I have found that not all are focused on the now and self.

As I tell prospective teacher in training, "keep the maim thing the main thing."

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