Monday, November 8, 2010

“What is going on in the world?”

Someone asked me the other day this question “What is going on in the world?” In our conversation, here are some of the things that were discussed, not necessarily in the order they appear.
It seems like the world has turned upside down. / People seem to be given over to the lusts of the flesh and pleasures of this life. / What has happened to the virtues of honesty, decency and hard work? / Where has common sense gone? / It seems that the entire world has turned against Israel. /The world is becoming more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah. / Everything seems to be going in a global direction, from economics to education. / Many countries are in financial trouble. / Multitudes all over the world are finding fewer jobs available. / Many are losing their homes. / Every time a person goes on the Internet–where they go, what they do, and what they say on any site or in any email—is permanently recorded and can be accessed in microseconds. / More and more devices to monitor you are being installed worldwide. 
And I am thinking, WOW, what a discussion!
And, with few exceptions, no matter where you go, you are being watched and recorded. Much of the reporting by the news-media is not objective, and often news concerning issues of importance go unreported. More and more earthquakes are occurring. Occasionally, new diseases are appearing. 
Knowledge and technology are increasing at an incredible rate. Terrorism is spreading at an alarming rate. 
I wonder if there might be any place in the world one can go and be 100% sure they will be safe? 
We see in our country, the United States of America, that we are going in the direction of more control over people’s lives and businesses; and our individual freedoms are declining. Often statistics that are published are misleading, violating the public trust. The name of the game that is going on is control and deception. 
The Bible says that a world dictator will come on the scene soon, but before this happens, many of the things listed above are going to get worse, even as those in authority may tell you things are getting better. 
So what can we do? Bring forth God’s Word and prepare the people to meet Jesus; but few will listen, even as it was in the days of Noah. Few believed the flood would come.. The fact that few believed the flood would come, did not stop it from happening. Things are going to get worse, but God’s Word is always correct.
 Much of what is happening has been foretold in God’s Word. While many are upset about these and other things, the informed, born-again Christian knows what is happening. He knows that an event in the Bible called the Translation or being “caught up” (or the Rapture, as many call it) is getting closer and closer. Few will be taken, and many will be left behind, crying out, “Lord, open to us!” 
Many of the things mentioned here are mentioned in the Bible, as events that would take place after Israel’s rebirth. The Bible clearly states that Israel would be reborn as a nation. That was the event that revealed we had entered in the latter days. It happened May 14, 1948. Within a generation of that event, a multitude of prophecies would be fulfilled, including the Rapture. A generation “may” perhaps be 70 years (Ps 90:10). Some believe it could be longer. 
Of the 365 prophecies that the Bible tells us would take place, 364 are solidly in place. Several of these prophecies that are listed have to do with born–again churches and the Bible. 
The Bible clearly states that is the last days, there would be a "falling away." Religious persecutions would increase, for those that let their light shine for Jesus. The Bible predicted that the people of the world would no longer want sound doctrine, but they would want to hear what their itching ears wanted to hear. Sin would increase more and more. Yes, things have greatly changed in the last few years, but 100% of the changes are in perfect harmony with what God’s Word has told us.

And so, as you read this, where do you stand?

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